About RightByYou

RightByYou is designed for young people, by young people.
“Research identifies most young people experiencing suicidality do not seek help from mental health services and are more likely to seek help from peers.”
Suicide Prevention Australia
(Youth Report 2021)
Today’s young people are on the frontline of seeing their friends show varying signs of suicidal thoughts. Our focus is on supporting and guiding young people on how to help their friends. We offer practical resources and key information about what to do when a friend may be expressing thoughts of suicide.

Support the Campaign
Support RightByYou with the campaign toolkit.
This campaign toolkit aims to provide young people, communities, families, schools and organisations key resources to be able to self promote and share RightByYou to their communities.
Resources include printable posters & flyers, stickers files and information on how to utilise and share RightByYou on social media.

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What is Right By You? transcript
What is Right By You and when would I use it?
RightByYou is a web tool, an online tool created by young people, for young people, which is designed for young people in mind to have that kind of informed lens of where to go, what to do, when a friend is kind of presenting some signs where you’re a bit worried about them, maybe, if you think they’re going through something right now and you don’t know what to do, but even if you yourself, are going through something and you’re just unsure about who you can talk to, really what you are going through, whether it’s to support someone who’s going through a hard time or to support yourself, if you’ve had to help someone and you’re not feeling in the right space and all that sort of stuff.
It’s a really useful website that collates a lot of the information from the internet into one secure place where you know it’s reliable. And it’s just about, kind of giving people a quick access to quick information, and direct information, knowing what they can do in the moment.
So here in WA, suicide is the leading death around young people. And the first point of call for young people is generally their friends. So we hope to provide you with the resources you need to give your friend the correct support. It can be used for like, if you need urgent help or non-urgent help. And it gives you that bit of, like, extra comfort knowing that you’ve got that support.
So it’s really meant to be about the peer supporting the peer. So, you know, if you’ve got a friend who’s showing signs of having mental health issues, RightByYou basically helps you to deal with that and know how you can do the best. You know, for me personally, I lost one of my best mates to suicide last year.
Though I understood he was going through a lot, I probably didn’t connect the dots that he was at risk of taking his own life. So, it’s really great that this is now coming into play.
I think it can do a lot of good. And I think it can answer a lot of questions that anyone might need answers for. It kind of gives you those strategies to be able to navigate those conversations and to feel more comfortable. Like, you’re actually giving the right advice, even if you haven’t experienced it yourself. And this will help young people figure out ways how to help their friends and help them find help that they need.