What’s going on?

What’s going on?
Not all signs of suicide are predictable
It’s important to remember that not all signs of suicide are predictable or preventable – it can be impulsive and unexpected. Usually a person has shown signs of feeling suicidal or already tried to convey their distress to someone else.
You may have seen a post, received a message or a snap of something that worries you. You might not be sure how worried you should be, or what you should do.

Things to be concerned about
You may have noticed a change in your friend’s behaviour, or what they’ve been saying recently. Here are some examples that might help spot what your find could be going through.
Deliberate self-harm does not always mean that the person is suicidal. Self-harm is a sign of great mental health distress and an expression of intense emotional pain.
If you know a friend is doing self-harming behaviours, encourage them to consider seeking help.
To understand more, and find out how you can help check out Beyond Blue’s information on Self-harm and self-injury resourceful webpage.

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What are some warning signs? transcript
What are some warning signs you should look out for?
I think don’t underestimate the small things.
If they’re not sleeping as well, they’re coming more detached.
If they start to sleep a lot, if they look really exhausted, if they’re not themselves.
If they’ve decided to become more distant from you or your friend group.
If your friend is isolating, not really enjoying activities as much as they would, reduction in social capacity or their engagement with the general activities that they love to do.
If they’re constantly posting on social media and then all of a sudden they stop, you might kind of go, why aren’t you posting these memes today? Are you alright?
They’re not as energised in training.
They’re not doing well on their subjects.
It’s the small things that build up to the bigger things. And I think you know your friends well.
You know if it’s your close friend you can really tell that something’s wrong with them. And just a matter of asking and making sure they’re okay.
It’s a lot better to misjudge that and be a bit too considerate than leave them alone and do nothing at all.
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