Discover resources and support to help either yourself or someone else experiencing challenges due to a bullying.
Bullying can show up in different forms, verbal, physical, and or social, and can have serious impacts on the victim’s life. This includes making threats, spreading rumours, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.
- Check in on them
- Acknowledge their pain and validate their feelings
- Help the friend understand the situation could be bullying and that is not ok
- Discuss how they to want to sort it out (do they want to speak directly to the person together, or maybe even tell a teacher)
- Ask them how you can best be there for them during this time
- Take part in activities you both enjoy

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Carer Gateway
An Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers. If you care for a family member or friend with disability, a medical condition, mental illness, or who is frail due to age, then Carer Gateway can help you. You can call on 1800 422 737.
Learn more about the issues Australia’s young people with disabilities are facing through these resources or find contacts for support.